Jasmijn Derckx

Where Jasmijn Derckx goes follows movement, transformation. She dives into the deeper layers of a story and helps you to choose to be yourself.

The theme "self-empowerment" swirls through her books.

Jasmijn is an author, speaker and coach with a focus on empowerment. Be inspired by her beautiful stories that connect past, present and future.




Columns, blogs & Artikelen



Writing in unique locations

Option 1: France

Option 2: Lanzarote

De heer dr. Robert H.J. Jansen over Wegens hemelvaart gesloten

A liberating book for people struggling with guilt around euthanasia.

The book has two storylines: a family chronicle centred on the life and death of father Martin Derckx; and in addition, a reflection on the backward ethics and morality in the Roman Catholic Church, through conversations between Martin Derckx and his friend the moral theologian Prof Edward Schillebeeckx.

By combining fact and fiction, the author manages to intertwine the two strands naturally. The reader gets to know Martin better and better and gets virtually involved in his dilemmas.

Towards the end, the storylines merge and the story becomes increasingly personal, intimate. The final chapters surrounding Martin's incurable illness and death are gripping. Daughter and father draw ever closer together, with the daughter's love contrasting sharply with the church's callousness.

Tjeerd Vrij - Directeur van het Haags Historisch Museum en Rijksmuseum De Gevangenpoort over Theodoor

The story about the doctor Theo, son Boem and his Family moved me deeply. Very clever how the author manages to connect (selections of) the letter fragments and put them in the context of their time. The (privileged) life in the East Indies, WWI, life in The Hague during WWII (including the bombing of Bezuidenhout), the difficult reconstruction, everything passes by. While reading, the protagonist Theo also really gets you as a reader, with the peaks and especially the valleys full of sadness he encounters in his life. What a great read. The book really comes highly recommended!

Lex Jansen over Liefdesmunt

In a sparkling style, this novel tells of illusions, dreams and ideals. Judith's quest for the great love, ultimately turns out to be primarily a search for herself and a soul mate.

Prof. Dr. P.J.A. Nissen over Wegens hemelvaart gesloten

Dit boek is roman, biografie en pamflet tegelijk. Als biografisch roman beweegt het zich op de grens tussen fictie en non-fictie. In de laatste hoofdstukken mondt het boek uit in een protest tegen de houding van de katholieke kerk tegen euthanasie. 

Wieteke van Dort over Theodoor

This beautifully crafted book is based on the unique correspondence of the Van Ravenswaay family. It is touching how all family members maintained contact with each other. A unique correspondence of the family. Jasmijn Derckx has skilfully and respectfully rendered the enormous source of information (4000 letters!). It is an extraordinary standard work!

Christine Pannebakker over Liefdesmunt

A blend of purity and sensuality. Jasmine exudes the finesse of sensuality.

Mark Rutte over Theodoor

Veel dank voor het boek dat je mij toestuurde! Ik ben er nog niet aan toegekomen het te lezen, maar de tekst op de achterkant belooft veel goeds. Als historicus blijft het mij fascineren hoe grote gebeurtenissen in de wereldgeschiedenis de levens van heel gewone mensen een onverwachte wending kunnen geven. In veel families zijn dit soort momenten aan te wijzen, ook in die van mijzelf.

Ik ben heel benieuwd naar het verhaal van Theodoor Samuel van Ravenswaaij en zijn familie. Je boek staat vooraan in mijn kast, klaar om te pakken op een rustig moment. Ik kijk daar nu al naar uit. 

Mark van Koppen over Theodoor

I enjoyed reading it. A beautiful portrait of an eventful, sometimes tragic life. Like any good book, it provokes thought and provides answers and questions. Very successful!


C'est le ton qui fait la magie

Peace Promotion

By yolanda | January 7, 2023

“Hoe slaagden de bewoners na de vreselijke atoomoorlog erin (inclusief de hibakusha, de A-bomb survivors) om de stad weer te laten herrijzen en hun haat te overwinnen?” Dat was een…
